amazon fba vs fbm

Last year, more than 60% of sales on Amazon came from third-party sellers — most of which are small to medium-sized businesses. A key differentiator among Amazon sellers is the fulfillment method they choose: Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and/or Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM). This article will explore the nuances of Amazon FBA vs FBM and help you decide which fulfillment option is better for your business in 2024.

Key Takeaways:

  • Amazon FBA and FBM are two fulfillment options for sellers on the Amazon platform.
  • Amazon FBA involves sending products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers for storage, picking, packing, shipping, and customer service.
  • Amazon FBM requires sellers to handle all aspects of fulfillment, including storage, shipping, and customer support.
  • Advantages of Amazon FBA include convenience, access to Amazon’s fulfillment network, reduced shipping costs, and eligibility for Amazon Prime.
  • Advantages of Amazon FBM include greater control over fulfillment, cost-efficiency, customizable packaging, and personalized branding.

What’s the Difference Between Amazon FBA and FBM?

When it comes to selling on Amazon, understanding the differences between Amazon FBA and FBM is crucial for making informed decisions about your fulfillment strategy. Let’s take a closer look at these two options and how they compare.

Amazon FBA: Fulfillment by Amazon

Amazon FBA is a popular fulfillment method where sellers send their products directly to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Once received, Amazon takes care of the storage, picking, packing, shipping, and even customer service for those products. This means that sellers can take advantage of Amazon’s extensive logistics network and infrastructure to streamline their operations.

FBA offers several advantages, such as:

  • Access to Amazon’s Fulfillment Network: By leveraging Amazon’s vast fulfillment network, sellers can reach customers quickly and efficiently.
  • Reduced Shipping Costs: Amazon’s volume shipping rates allow FBA sellers to save on shipping expenses.
  • Prime Eligibility: FBA products are eligible for Amazon Prime, which can attract more customers and increase sales.
  • Higher Buy Box Chances: Winning the Buy Box increases visibility and sales, and FBA sellers have a higher chance of securing it.

Amazon FBM: Fulfillment by Merchant

Amazon FBM, on the other hand, gives sellers more control over the fulfillment process. With FBM, sellers are responsible for storing their products, handling shipping logistics, and managing customer support. This method is ideal for sellers who prioritize customization and maintaining a direct relationship with their customers.

FBM offers the following benefits:

  • Control Over Fulfillment: FBM enables sellers to have complete control over their fulfillment operations, including packaging and shipping methods.
  • Cost Efficiency: FBM can be more cost-effective for sellers with lower sales volumes or products that are large or heavy.
  • Brand Customization: With FBM, sellers have the flexibility to customize their packaging and branding, enhancing the customer experience.

Overall, the key difference between Amazon FBA and FBM is the level of control and responsibility for the fulfillment process. FBA provides convenience and access to Amazon’s vast resources, while FBM offers greater customization and cost-efficiency.

Now that we’ve covered the differences between FBA and FBM, let’s take a closer look at the advantages of Amazon FBA in the next section.

Advantages of Amazon FBA

When it comes to selling on Amazon, utilizing Amazon FBA comes with a wide range of advantages for sellers.

Convenience and Time Savings

One of the key advantages of Amazon FBA is the convenience it offers to sellers. By opting for FBA, sellers can hand over the entire fulfillment process to Amazon. This means that sellers can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on managing inventory, packing, shipping, and customer service. With the burden of order fulfillment off their shoulders, sellers can focus their attention on driving sales and growing their business.

Access to Amazon’s Fulfillment Network

By enrolling in Amazon FBA, sellers gain access to Amazon’s extensive fulfillment network. This network consists of strategically located fulfillment centers across the country, making it easier and faster to reach customers nationwide. Utilizing Amazon’s fulfillment network also means that sellers can benefit from the company’s expertise in logistics, ensuring efficient and reliable order fulfillment.

Reduced Shipping Costs

Amazon FBA offers sellers reduced shipping costs compared to fulfilling orders themselves. This cost-saving advantage is a result of Amazon’s bulk shipping rates and its ability to negotiate deals with carriers. By taking advantage of these lower shipping costs, sellers can increase their profit margins and remain competitive in the marketplace.

Amazon Prime Eligibility

Another significant benefit of using Amazon FBA is the eligibility for Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime members enjoy free and fast shipping, which significantly influences their purchasing decisions. By leveraging the power of Prime, FBA sellers can attract more customers, increase sales, and improve their overall visibility on the platform.

Higher Chances of Winning the Buy Box

The Buy Box is a coveted spot on Amazon’s product detail page that prominently features the “Add to Cart” button. Winning the Buy Box increases the visibility of a product and maximizes the likelihood of making a sale. Amazon FBA sellers have a higher chance of winning the Buy Box, as Amazon trusts its own fulfillment process to provide an exceptional customer experience. This advantage can lead to increased sales and a competitive edge over FBM sellers.

Advantages of Amazon FBA
Convenience and Time Savings By entrusting fulfillment to Amazon, sellers save time and resources.
Access to Amazon’s Fulfillment Network Sellers can leverage Amazon’s vast network of strategically located fulfillment centers for efficient nationwide order delivery.
Reduced Shipping Costs Amazon FBA offers lower shipping costs thanks to bulk shipping rates and negotiated carrier deals.
Amazon Prime Eligibility Sellers gain access to Amazon Prime, attracting more customers and increasing sales opportunities.
Higher Chances of Winning the Buy Box Amazon FBA sellers have an advantage in winning the Buy Box, boosting sales and visibility.

Advantages of Amazon FBM

When it comes to fulfillment on Amazon, sellers have the option to choose between Amazon FBA and FBM. While Amazon FBA offers convenience and access to Amazon’s fulfillment network, Amazon FBM provides sellers with greater control over their fulfillment process and allows for personalized branding and customer experiences.

Here are some key advantages of Amazon FBM:

  1. Customization: With FBM, sellers have the freedom to customize packaging, shipping methods, and customer service experiences according to their brand’s identity and customer expectations.
  2. Cost-efficiency: FBM allows sellers to avoid certain fees associated with FBA, making it a more cost-effective option, especially for sellers who have the resources and capabilities to handle their own fulfillment.
  3. Personalized Branding: FBM provides sellers with the flexibility to personalize their branding, creating a unique customer experience that aligns with their brand’s values and messaging.

“With Amazon FBM, sellers have greater control over their fulfillment process, allowing for customization, cost-efficiency, and personalized branding.”

Ultimately, Amazon FBM empowers sellers to take full ownership of their fulfillment operations and tailor it to their specific needs and brand image.

A Comparison of Amazon FBA and FBM

Let’s take a closer look at how Amazon FBA and FBM stack up against each other:

Amazon FBA Amazon FBM
Control over fulfillment process Limited; Amazon handles storage, picking, packing, and shipping Full control; sellers handle all aspects of fulfillment
Customization Limited; packaging and branding must adhere to Amazon’s guidelines High; sellers can customize packaging and branding
Costs Higher fees associated with FBA services Sellers can avoid certain fees by handling fulfillment themselves
Prime Eligibility FBA sellers are eligible for Amazon Prime FBM sellers are not eligible for Amazon Prime, but can provide alternative shipping options
Scalability FBA provides scalability and access to Amazon’s vast fulfillment network Scalability depends on the seller’s own fulfillment capabilities

As displayed in the table, Amazon FBM offers more control, customization, and cost-efficiency, while Amazon FBA provides scalability and access to Amazon Prime. The choice between the two largely depends on a seller’s specific business goals, resources, and fulfillment requirements.

advantages of amazon fbm

Differences Between FBA and FBM Sellers

When it comes to fulfillment on Amazon, there are two main options: Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM). While each method has its own advantages and considerations, understanding the differences can help you make an informed decision for your business.

FBA Sellers

FBA sellers rely on Amazon to handle the entire fulfillment process. This means that once the seller sends their products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers, Amazon takes care of storage, picking, packing, shipping, and even customer service. While this lack of control may seem like a drawback, FBA sellers benefit from Amazon’s vast resources, expertise, and efficient processes.

FBM Sellers

FBM sellers, on the other hand, take full responsibility for the fulfillment process. They handle everything from storage and inventory management to packing, shipping, and customer support. This level of control allows FBM sellers to customize their packaging, shipping methods, and customer service experiences according to their specific business needs.

To determine whether FBA or FBM is the right choice for your business, consider various factors:

  • Product Size and Weight: FBA is often preferred for smaller, lightweight products due to Amazon’s efficient and cost-effective handling. FBM may be more suitable for larger or heavier items that can be shipped at a lower cost outside of Amazon’s network.
  • Control of Customer Experience: FBA sellers have less control over the fulfillment process, but benefit from Amazon’s reputation for reliable and fast deliveries. FBM sellers have the opportunity to personalize the customer experience and maintain direct communication with buyers.
  • Seller Feedback: FBA sellers can leverage Amazon’s customer feedback system to enhance their reputation and increase sales. FBM sellers must actively manage their own feedback and customer satisfaction.
  • Inventory Turnover Rate: FBA is advantageous for sellers with high inventory turnover, as Amazon takes care of storage and ensures efficient order processing. FBM can be beneficial for products with slower turnover rates, allowing sellers to maintain more control over their inventory.
  • Logistics: FBA sellers do not need to worry about logistics, as Amazon handles all aspects of fulfillment. FBM sellers must establish their own shipping methods and carrier relationships.
  • Expenses and Fees: FBA sellers incur fees for Amazon’s fulfillment services, while FBM sellers can save on these fees but must account for their own warehousing, shipping, and customer service costs.
  • Desire for a Prime Badge: FBA is the only option that allows sellers to offer products with the Prime badge, which can boost visibility and trust among Prime members. FBM sellers do not have this advantage.

By considering these factors and weighing the advantages and considerations of FBA and FBM, you can choose the fulfillment method that aligns best with your business goals and product characteristics.

Comparison of FBA and FBM Sellers

Factors Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM)
Control over fulfillment process Limited Full
Access to Amazon’s resources and efficiency High N/A
Customization of packaging and shipping Minimal Full
Responsibility for storage and inventory management Amazon Seller
Customer communication and support Amazon Seller
Costs and fees Fulfilled by Amazon fees Shipping and operational costs
Prime eligibility Eligible Not eligible

amazon fba vs fbm

Can Amazon Sellers Use Both FBA and FBM?

Yes, Amazon sellers have the flexibility to utilize both Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) methods. In fact, 22% of Amazon sellers currently employ both methods to optimize their fulfillment strategies and leverage the unique advantages offered by each option.

The ability to use both FBA and FBM allows sellers to take advantage of the strengths and benefits of each fulfillment method, catering to different products and business needs. For instance, sellers can opt for FBA when dealing with small, lightweight products that have fast turnover. Amazon’s efficient fulfillment network ensures timely and reliable delivery, while also providing the opportunity to qualify for Amazon Prime benefits, reaching a broader customer base.

On the other hand, FBM comes into play for oversized or heavy products, or when sellers prefer to exercise more control over the fulfillment process. With FBM, sellers handle storage, packaging, shipping, and customer service directly, allowing for customization and a tailored customer experience. This method can be particularly advantageous for sellers aiming to establish their unique brand identity and create a more personalized customer journey.

Sellers can even create both FBA and FBM offers for the same product under one Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). This ensures a greater level of flexibility and the ability to fulfill orders using different methods depending on availability or specific customer requests.

By leveraging both FBA and FBM, Amazon sellers gain a competitive edge by diversifying their fulfillment strategies and tailoring them to their specific product portfolio and business objectives. This allows sellers to optimize costs, ensure efficient inventory management, and offer their customers a seamless and satisfactory fulfillment experience.

Amazon FBA Amazon FBM
Convenient and time-saving Greater control and customization
Access to Amazon’s wide fulfillment network Cost-efficient, avoiding certain FBA fees
Eligibility for Amazon Prime benefits Personalized branding and customer experience
Increased chances of winning the Buy Box Flexibility for oversize/heavy products

By evaluating their product characteristics, business goals, and customer expectations, sellers can strategically decide when to use FBA, FBM, or a combination of both, enhancing their overall performance and profitability on the Amazon platform.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between FBA and FBM

When deciding between Amazon FBA and FBM, it’s essential to consider several factors that can significantly impact your business’s success. Taking the time to evaluate these factors will help you determine the best fulfillment method for your unique needs and goals.

1. Product Size and Weight

The size and weight of your products play a crucial role in choosing between FBA and FBM. Amazon FBA is an ideal option for smaller, lightweight products as it provides access to Amazon’s extensive fulfillment network and streamlined shipping processes. On the other hand, FBM is more suitable for oversized or heavy items that may incur additional storage fees under FBA.

2. Control of Customer Experience

Consider how much control you want over the customer experience. With FBA, Amazon handles customer service and returns, ensuring a consistent and reliable experience. If maintaining direct control over customer interactions and addressing inquiries yourself is important to your brand, FBM may be the better choice.

3. Seller Feedback

Seller feedback is crucial for establishing credibility and trust on the Amazon marketplace. FBA sellers benefit from Amazon’s reputation and customer trust, which can lead to higher seller ratings and increased sales potential. FBM sellers, on the other hand, need to actively manage their customer feedback and ratings.

4. Inventory Turnover Rate

Consider the turnover rate of your inventory when selecting a fulfillment method. FBA is suitable for fast-selling products with high turnover rates as Amazon handles storage and order fulfillment efficiently. For products with slower turnover rates, FBM allows you to maintain direct control over inventory, reducing storage costs and potential long-term storage fees.

5. Logistics

Evaluate your logistical capabilities and resources. With FBA, Amazon takes care of the entire fulfillment process, providing convenience and scalability. In contrast, FBM requires you to manage shipping, packaging, and storage, which can be challenging without efficient logistics systems in place.

6. Expenses and Fees

Compare the expenses and fees associated with FBA and FBM. FBA charges warehousing, picking, packing, and shipping fees, but may offset these costs with access to Amazon Prime and the ability to win the Buy Box more frequently. FBM sellers have more control over expenses and can avoid certain FBA fees, but must account for their own fulfillment expenses.

7. Desire for a Prime Badge

If having a Prime badge next to your listings is a priority, FBA is the way to go. Amazon Prime members enjoy free two-day shipping, which can significantly increase the visibility and conversion rate of your products. FBM sellers do not have access to this benefit and may need to invest in other strategies to attract customers.


“The key to making the right choice between FBA and FBM is to carefully evaluate your unique business needs and goals. Consider factors such as product size and weight, control preferences, logistics capabilities, and expenses. By doing so, you can make an informed decision that sets your business up for success on Amazon.”

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the factors to consider when choosing between FBA and FBM, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business objectives. Assess each factor based on your product characteristics and goals to identify the most suitable fulfillment method. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer – the ultimate goal is to maximize profits and grow your online business on Amazon in 2024.

Pros and Cons of Amazon FBA and FBM

When it comes to choosing between Amazon FBA and FBM, it’s crucial to understand the pros and cons associated with each fulfillment method. Here’s a breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of both options:

Amazon FBA


  • Convenience: With Amazon FBA, sellers can benefit from Amazon’s expertise in handling the storage, picking, packing, shipping, and customer service. This allows sellers to save time and focus on other aspects of their business.
  • Access to Amazon’s Fulfillment Network: FBA sellers have access to Amazon’s extensive network of fulfillment centers, enabling efficient and prompt order fulfillment for customers across the country.
  • Prime Eligibility: By using FBA, sellers can make their products eligible for Amazon Prime, which can significantly increase visibility and attract more customers.
  • Increased Chances of Winning the Buy Box: Amazon’s algorithm favors FBA sellers when determining which seller wins the Buy Box, resulting in a higher likelihood of making sales.


  • Higher Fees: Amazon FBA comes with additional fees, including storage fees, picking and packing fees, and fulfillment fees. These costs can eat into profit margins, especially for lower-priced or slower-moving products.
  • Loss of Control over Inventory: FBA sellers must send their inventory to Amazon’s fulfillment centers, relinquishing direct control over their stock. This can pose challenges, particularly during inventory management and pricing adjustments.
  • Strict Preparation Requirements: FBA sellers must adhere to Amazon’s strict guidelines for packaging and labeling products. Failure to comply can result in delays or even suspension of the seller’s account.

Amazon FBM


  • Control: FBM offers sellers full control over the fulfillment process, allowing them to customize packaging, shipping methods, and customer service experiences.
  • Cost-Efficiency: By handling their own fulfillment, FBM sellers can avoid certain fees associated with FBA, potentially increasing profit margins.
  • Customization and Adaptability: FBM gives sellers the flexibility to personalize their branding and offer unique customer experiences that align with their specific product offerings and business strategy.


  • Time-Consuming: Fulfilling orders, managing inventory, and handling customer service can be time-consuming for FBM sellers, especially as their business scales.
  • Lack of Full Prime Benefits: Unlike FBA, FBM does not provide the full range of benefits offered to Amazon Prime members. This may limit the exposure and reach of FBM products.
  • Scalability Challenges: FBM sellers may face logistical challenges as their business grows, particularly when it comes to managing larger volumes of orders and expanding their fulfillment capabilities.

When considering the advantages and disadvantages of Amazon FBA and FBM, sellers should evaluate their specific business needs, product characteristics, and long-term goals. Determining which fulfillment method aligns best with their unique circumstances will lead to a more successful and profitable selling experience on Amazon.


When it comes to choosing between Amazon FBA and FBM, businesses must carefully evaluate various factors to determine the best fulfillment method. Product characteristics, control preferences, cost considerations, and the desired customer experience all play a crucial role in this decision-making process.

By weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, sellers can make an informed choice to maximize their profits and effectively scale their online business on Amazon in 2024. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all answer, as each business has unique requirements and goals.

Whether you opt for Amazon FBA or FBM, it is essential to consider factors such as product size and weight, control over customer experience, inventory turnover rate, logistics, expenses and fees, and the desire for a Prime badge. By carefully evaluating these factors, businesses can select the fulfillment method that aligns best with their specific needs and objectives.

In conclusion, the decision between Amazon FBA and FBM should be based on a thorough understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each option, as well as the particular requirements of the business. By making an informed choice, sellers can set themselves up for success and thrive in the competitive Amazon marketplace.


What’s the Difference Between Amazon FBA and FBM?

Amazon FBA is a fulfillment method where sellers send their products to Amazon and Amazon handles storage, picking, packing, shipping, and customer service. Amazon FBM is a fulfillment method where sellers handle their own storage, shipping, and customer support.

What are the Advantages of Amazon FBA?

Amazon FBA offers convenience, access to Amazon’s fulfillment network, reduced shipping costs, eligibility for Amazon Prime, and a higher chance of winning the Buy Box.

What are the Advantages of Amazon FBM?

Amazon FBM provides sellers with greater control over their fulfillment process, customization options, cost-efficiency, flexibility in branding, and unique customer experiences.

What are the Differences Between FBA and FBM Sellers?

FBA sellers rely on Amazon for fulfillment, while FBM sellers handle fulfillment themselves. FBA sellers have limited control but benefit from Amazon’s resources, while FBM sellers have more control and flexibility.

Can Amazon Sellers Use Both FBA and FBM?

Yes, Amazon sellers can use both FBA and FBM, allowing them to benefit from the advantages of both fulfillment options.

What Factors Should Be Considered When Choosing Between FBA and FBM?

Factors to consider include product size and weight, control of customer experience, seller feedback, inventory turnover rate, logistics, expenses and fees, and the desire for a Prime badge.

What are the Pros and Cons of Amazon FBA and FBM?

Amazon FBA offers convenience, access to the fulfillment network, Prime eligibility, and increased chances of winning the Buy Box, but comes with higher fees and loss of control. Amazon FBM provides control, cost-efficiency, customization, but can be time-consuming and lacks full Prime benefits.

Which is Better: FBA or FBM?

The choice depends on various factors such as product characteristics, control preferences, cost considerations, and desired customer experiences. It’s important to evaluate these factors and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option before making a decision.

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